10th Grade Learning Journal

Use this sticker as you seek understanding of the assignment or problem. Typically this will come from the community, your instructor, or your own observation. You must completely understand the objectives of the project to be successful, so this step is crucial. Develop active listening skills! Entry events for a project are usually a great place to start!

Use this sticker as you examine a problem from all angles. Ask questions, observe people, situations, and artifacts. Develop empathy for the problem that people facing the situation are experiencing. Find out what you know and what you need to know. Explore all of it!

Use this sticker as you are discussing and exploring ideas for how to solve a problem. Record these ideas quickly. Ideas may come in the form of graphic organizers, notes, drawings, outlines, or video blogs. Remember to seek feedback before progressing to the next step (then use the Evaluation/Modification sticker).

Use this sticker as you share your more formal ideas--3-d prototypes, mock-ups, drafts, skits, simulations, and storyboards. Remember to seek feedback before progressing to the next step (then use the Evaluation/Modification sticker).

Use this sticker when you are evaluating your decisions at each step in the process. When you note a user’s feedback also note what you intend to do about it going forward.

Use this sticker to explain how you are trying your prototype with real users. Try it out and note the way it performs and is understood by a real audience. Explain methodology and note observations.


Weave Bonding 1/7/2025

On 1/7/2025 we did weave bonding based off of scientific bonds. The 2 bonds we did were ionic opposites and covalent, sharing an electron/strand. For our weave bonding, we did an ionic bonding. The colors we chose off of the color wheel were blue, orange, yellow, and purple. We put purple and yellow together and blue and orange. The reason why they're ionic is because orange and blue are opposites on the color wheel, and purple and yellow are opposites. 


9/24//24    ?What is mandala? 

The mandala is from Everythingart.com

What is a mandala used from to focus the mind on meditation, teach people in religious training, and guide a meditating person to spiritual healing and enlightenment. 

Mandalas are used in Tibet.

Mandalas are used for meditation.

For the principles of design, I see variety, pattern, and rhythm.

The Aztecs used it to tell time. Native American culture also celebrated mandalas. They believed that the mandala's round shape represented the circle of life, a totem of good luck and they used them in ceremonies and rituals. 

Devon Cothran - Experiments with Colors

Experiment with Color


Devon Cothran - Experimenting with Shapes

Experiment with shapes to create movment


Devon Cothran - Experiments with LINE: Sol Lewitt Wall Drawings

Experiment with lines


But is it art     7/27/24

Art should have very special meanings or looks. Art can be designed in many different ways but it should have meaning. Art to me can be a beautiful painting with no meaning, or something painted by a baby but has meanings. Art can be made like a replica out of any material. But in my opinion it should have meaning or atleast beauty. Art shouldn’t be random items with no meaning. You can make art about history. Most famous art pieces were history. For example Napoleon crossing the alps The painting has meaning and beauty. Art to me shouldn’t be random items or random things mixed together as a painting. Art should have meaning and stories behind it or be beautiful at least.



How to sync a controller to the ps5

World Lit

The Games

Chase the pizza: https://makecode.com/_9ziDXk2yeEuT           


Devon Cothran

Shaping the World

Shaping the world script

For 9-13 of September we worked on our script for the ppb project. I worked on scene 3 of our project.

For 9-17  Dads garage came to schools, and taught us how to imrpov.

For 9-19

For 9/24/24 . We acted out our scripts today.

For 10/3/24: We accted our scrips and finished our movie.

Foundation Engineering

Maker Gear: Build your own Apron


Making an apron was the most fun and greatest learning experience, I've done in the school year so . I learned how to use an sewing machine and how to make an apron with all of its steps.  And at the end of the project, I'm fine with how my apron looks like. In my opinion, I think I did a good job for a first time.



The development of my apron was slowly growing.  I had a slow start, and was a little behind, but once I understood the step I was stuck on. I went from growing slowly to exponentially.


The prototype was the paper outline with numbers, that told us which places to cut the apron.

Evaluate and test:

The aprons durability is strong.  There're no cuts, and Sharpe things pointing out.  


Wodden Shoebox

Spooktember-December 2024

Brief:  Make a shoebox that would be used as a container for your shoes in Engineering class and sometimes outside.  The shoebox would be made out of plywood.


Bandsaw: Bandsaw  is used to cut lumber

We went to the tinkers lab today, to use the bandsaw  ability to cut 2x4 lumber.

(4) saftey do's                                                                        (4) saftey don'ts

Materials: Plywood, Bandsaw, Planer saw, orbital sander, wood, glue, sanding paper, biscuit for biscuit juniper,

Optional: Nail gun, Henges, Cricket Machine, Stain Paint

Shoebox bottom Image #1

                  (2) 12"x3" FRONT & BACK UPPER PIECES

(2) 12"x 2 1/2   FRONT & BACK LOWER PIECES


(2) 7 x 2 1/2 left & right upper pieces

(2) 12 x 3 Bottom twin pieces

(2) 12 x 3 botom irregular pieces

Plywoods thickness 1/2

Shoebox bottom Image #2

Planner Saw

It smooths the surface of planks. And removes the thickness of planks.

We used 2x4 planks that we used on the bandsaw. smooth out the surface using the planner saw.

Safety do's (4)                                                                                                                 Safety don'ts (4)

Miter Saw

Lets you cut wood at an variety of different angles

5 Saftey do's

5 safety don'ts

       1.,Don't cut small pieces: Avoid cutting pieces that are too small to hold easily with your hands. 

     2. Don't cut freehand: Always secure the workpiece to the table and against the fence. 

3. Don't reach behind the saw: Never reach behind, over, or under the saw blade unless it has stopped turning and the power has been disconnected. 

     4.Don't force the saw: Allow the motor to reach maximum speed before cutting, and use a steady feed rate. 

5.Don't leave the saw running: Turn the power off and unplug the saw before leaving it. 


Front Cover

In the middle of the book

Last page