

In this project, we were tasked to create a 1/3 scaled skeleton. Our group decided to 3-D print our model. We were going to 3-D print the axial and appendicular sections of the skeletal system. We then colored the different bones in each section. For example, in the cranium, we colored the frontal bone, maxilla, etc., and in the ribcage, we colored the vertebrae, false ribs, etc. I learned how to use the CAD and the 3-D printer, as well as the different bones in the body. The axial consists of the cranium and the bones within, as well as the ribcage and vertebrae. The main function of these parts is to protect and support your brain, organs, and spinal cord. The other section is the appendicular skeleton. This section consists of the arms, legs, hands, and feet. The main function is to facilitate movement throughout the body.