Remote Learning
The school year is flying by! I can hardly believe we are approaching the end of the third nine weeks. Thank you students, staff, and families for your hard work so far this year. It has been different for sure and sometimes difficult, but together we are making it through!
We are preparing for our in-person learning option for Quarter 4. DPS plans for middle schools and high schools to re-open with students in three cohorts (Cohorts A, B, & C), attending school for 2 days, then working remotely for 6 school days and rotating while the other cohorts are in person.
Cohort B – 7th Grade Begins: April 8 & 9
Cohort C – 8th Grade Begins: April 12 & 13
Cohort A – 6th Grade Begins: April 15 & 16
Read the attached secondary calendar for the remainder of the school year.
Virtual Learners & Families: There will be no major changes for students remaining on virtual learning. Virtual students will continue to follow their current routines and schedule each day. The only difference for virtual students is that teachers’ office hours will be 2:45-3:15pm instead of 2:30-3:00pm.
There will be no in-person learning on Wellness Wednesdays. All students will log into their Canvas dashboard on Wednesdays and answer a Health & Wellness “Question of the Day" which must be completed by 10am for attendance purposes. If students do not participate in the Health & Wellness “Question of the Day," they will be marked absent. Students are encouraged to participate in the optional Social/Emotional Activities on Wednesdays. Visit the RHMS Counseling Corner Wellness Wednesday site linked here.
Thank you for making Rogers-Herr an extraordinary place to learn work and grow! As always, Rams ROCK!!!
For login assistance please contact
Ms. Hall or Ms. Rowland