Computer Science

This website is to share information and resources for my student's Computer Science course from the curriculum.

Welcome back students! This on-line experience may be new to some of you, and many of you may have a lot of questions. I hope this page will answer some of them regarding your course. This webpage has information about your classroom, link to your virtual classroom, and how to get in touch with me. Our nation is facing obstacles and uncertainties. I'm sure you and your families may be watching the news to see if their is some light of normalcy ahead. I just want you to know the administrative staff of our school, county, and even the government, are working together to formulate plans in making your on-line, virtual experience successful. As the saying goes: "We're in this together!" and we, your teachers, and school staff are working to make this the best experience possible.

What to do!

  1. Have a daily schedule, see a sample here
  2. Set times for each subject and stick to it. Use the timer app from your phone to set time alarms for each subject.
  3. Communicate weekly with your teacher. While we are not able to meet face to face on the daily basis, I am still here to assist you in any way that I can. You can schedule a virtual meeting during my office hours to answer any questions or problems you are having with the Computer Science lessons. I am also available through e-mail:
  4. Take breaks regularly. Feel free to work outside when weather permits.

Where to Access?

  1. To maintain constant communication with me and other teachers, you need to update your student school Gmail account. I will not be able to reply to you if you don't update your e-mail. I will receive emails from you, but I won't be able to reply back to you . Click here for instructions to update your Gmail account.
  2. Continue accessing Google classroom for lesson updates, assignments and new information as you have done in the past.
  3. Continue accessing CODE.ORG for lesson exercises.
  4. Not computer at home but you have a working phone? you can download this phone Application.