Borrowing Materials


Student patrons may check out up to three (3) fiction and/or nonfiction books for three (3) weeks. Students are allowed one renewal for most items. Materials that have a hold request will not be renewed if there are additional holds for the item. Additional books needed, for major classroom assignments (e.g. biographies, research materials, etc.), may also be borrowed. Upon request, the materials can be borrowed for longer than three weeks to complete the assignment.

Students are responsible for returning materials on time. Items 60+ days overdue will be considered lost and fines will be assessed.

Materials from the library are provided to meet the diverse needs of our patrons. Therefore, materials cover a wide range of interests and reading levels for both middle and high school students. Students are encouraged to return materials that do not meet their individual needs.


Staff patrons may borrow and use materials as needed; however, as a professional courtesy staff should return materials as soon as they are no longer needed. Materials that are given to students, but checked out in a staff person’s name (e.g. novels from a class set, classroom library sets, etc.) must be recorded by the teacher in a manner that individual student users can be determined.

The following technology is available for staff/classroom use:

  • Document cameras (Limited)

  • Laptops

  • Computer Labs

  • DVD Players