Social Studies- Truitt-Martin

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Carrington Voicemail: 919-560-3916 Ex. 16380

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Office Hours: 7:30-8:00 & 2:15-3:00

For more information please go to our class canvas page.

“There is a brilliant child locked in every student!”

Marva Collins

Welcome and Introduction

I, Shamia Truitt-Martin, am proud to be an educator at DPS’s Carrington Middle School. I enjoy teaching Social Studies driven by Language Arts strategies immensely! My education includes degrees from Boston and Georgia State University as well as North Carolina Central University. I have a Master’s in Education from Georgia State University and I am AIG Certified. Some of my work is featured in Dr. Sharon L. Spencer’s book: “Getting to The Common Core: Using Research-Based Strategies that Empower Students to own their own learning.” My calling is to inspire, motivate, and provide the best educational experiences for students. Education is a selfless venture that requires equity for all, compassion, empathy, patience, tenacity and a love of knowledge. I emphatically believe that all students have the capacity to grasp the golden key of education and achieve, succeed, and excel in our global community. Implementing 21st Century Research-Based Activities, differentiating instruction, multiple-intelligence based activities, data analysis, and interest-based activities will ensure that “All Students Can Learn”! I truly look forward to working with my scholars during the 20-2022--2023’s school year!