Brogden Middle School
Advanced Academics

Mrs. Junique Greene
BMS Advanced Academics (AIG) Specialist

Phone: (919) 560-3906

Ext. 86254

Welcome to BMS Advanced Academics! 

Brogden Middle School acknowledges that students have diverse learning styles and levels. Advanced and intellectually gifted (AIG) students can engage in challenging programs that cater to their unique talents and learning approaches. The AIG programs in Durham Public Schools start with assessments as early as second grade and continue through elementary and middle school. Upon entering high school, students have access to a wide range of advanced placement courses and other specialized programs. Our goal is to provide all families with needed information about working with advanced students, identification procedures, advocacy, supporting the whole child, and much more.   

We kindly ask you to take a moment to complete the parent survey. This survey will allow us to gather your contact information for our monthly BMS Advanced Academics Newsletter, offer important insights about your child for Mrs. Greene, and answer any questions you may have about the Advanced Academics program at Brogden.

To learn more, please visit the DPS Advanced Academics Website.

Connect & Contact 

Our Advanced Academics community includes parents, educators, advocates, and community members who are committed to ensuring all students have access to advanced learning opportunities that provide appropriate academic challenges.

Here are 5 simple ways you can connect with our office and schools to learn more about advanced academics, advocate for advanced learners, and support advanced academic programming. .  

December Parent Newsletter.pdf
Parent Newsletter Oct 2024.pdf
Parent Newsletter Sept 2024.pdf
3 DPS AIG Local Plan 2022-2025


2022 Identification Flowchart.pdf

AIG Screening, Referrals and Identification Process

Family Guide to Equitable Course Selection Secondary.pdf

Family Guide to Equitable Course Selection for Secondary Schools