Hillandale Advanced Academics

Welcome!  We are so glad you are here!  Read below to meet our Advanced Academics teachers and important information about Durham Public Schools Advanced Academics opportunities.

Hillandale Elementary

2730 Hillandale Road, Durham, NC 27705.....(919) 560-3924

What is the goal of Durham Public Schools Advanced Academics?

Durham Public Schools Advanced Academics help your child learn how to think critically through a variety of methods with a focus on becoming independent, confident citizens of learning!  Primary age students (K, 1st, and 2nd grades) have an advanced academics specialist come in once a week for thinking skills lessons during "Investigations in STEM,"  in addition to the specialist seeing small groups of advanced learners during the week that have been recommended by the classroom teachers.

See the "Curriculum" tab to learn more about the curriculum DPS uses for Investigations and how.

At Hillandale, our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade AIG identified and nurtured  students receive service delivery through flexible grouping rotations into classes with a certified Academically Gifted teacher.  Each subject is taught by these licensed teachers.

Meet our Advanced Academics Teachers!

Meet Mrs. Moffett!

I have been teaching in Durham Public Schools for 23 years!   I have taught 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades, in addition to reading intervention and advanced academics.  Currently  I teach K-2 Advanced Academics and I am Hillandale's AIG Specialist.  I love learning, being silly, working hard, swimming, reading, puzzling, and being a daughter, wife, and mamma!!!

This website is for ALL learners and we offer educational resources and activities with higher order thinking skills, logical reasoning, and more!

My email address: joyce_moffett@dpsnc.net

Phone number: 919-560-3924 extension 24617

Meet Mrs. Drew!

I am in my 28th year of teaching, 9th year at Hillandale. I have taught a variety of grade levels and subjects. I currently teach third grade at Hillandale Elementary.  I'm certified in AIG and EC, as well as Elementary Education. I love post it notes, reading, shopping and spending time with my family.

Email address: amy_nichols@dpsnc.net

Meet Ms. Simler!

This is my 8th year teaching and my 4th year at Hillandale.  I started my teaching career working with 7th and 8th graders in Harlem, NY and have been teaching 4th grade for 4 years. I transitioned to 5th grade this year.  I hold  Masters' degrees from Teachers College, Columbia University in Literacy Education and Sociology of Education. I am originally from South Florida, but attended undergraduate at Elon University before moving up to New York City for graduate school and to start teaching in 2014. I enjoy reading (my favorite book is The Phantom Tollbooth), hiking with my dog (Tock), and gardening. I am looking forward to to this school year and working with all our learners!

Email address: catharine_simler@dpsnc.net

Important Websites/Links: