
Tech & Library


Student Login Information:

Username: 6 Digit Student ID

Password: 8 Digit Birthday

CMAS Practice Resources

Questions or Issues? Please contact Mackie Fritzmeier, Teacher Librarian at Steck:

Click Here to access Clever to use Amplify.

Click Here to access Steck DPS Library Resources. This includes Sora, PebbleGo and More!

Click Here to access Schoology, the digital learning platform for 4th - 5th Grades at Steck.

Click Here to log-in to iReady! Your username is your six digit student number, and your password is your eight digit birthday. 

If you are a K-1 student, click here!  on the "card login option"! You might also see a Log In With Active Directory page, if you do, click this and continue the log-in.

Click Here to access the DPS Google Site. Here you can log-in to all things Google, including your Drive, Gmail, Classroom and More! 

Click Here to access Epic! Ebooks, read-to-me and more!