
Release Day is coming!

Release Day is scheduled for Friday, May 6th. Please join us at Berkeley Lake anytime between 12:30-4:00.


Growing and growing

February 7: The fish continue to grow, they are getting to be 2 inches long


Feeding time

February 11: Another view of the fish at feeding time


Watch how the fish gather at the automatic feeder!


The automatic feeder runs daily at 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Naming the fish

Naming the fish

Looking to see if more fish are eating each other!

Jan 7: Third graders made the interesting discovery that one of our larger trout had eaten one of the smaller ones.


Jan 7: The larger trout spent over two hours digesting the smaller trout.

Jan 7: Students could see the smaller trout's tail hanging out for much of the afternoon.


Welcome Back!

Jan 3, 2022: The trout had a great time over the Winter Break! The automatic fish feeder kept them happy and fed during our time away. They continue to grow, and some are over two inches long. Here's some video footage from the first day back.


December 13: Feeding time! Check out how the trout stay close to the top of the tank as food is released from the feeder.


December 10: Active fish = happy fish


December 9: More close-up shots.


December 6: Some close-up shots of our new fish!

Adding new fish

Dec 3: John D, volunteer from Trout Unlimited, brought us some new fish to add to our tank.


New fish in the tank

Dec 3: Footage with the new fish


Added fish to the tank

Dec 3: Footage with the new fish in the tank

Students were curious about the "extra tail" on this trout

Any idea what this "extra tail" is?

Yes, the fish is going to the bathroom.

Noticing more how more fish spend time at the bottom of the tank


During vacation

Nov 28: We were able to get some footage of the trout during the November vacation.


After the November Break...

Nov 29: Sadly, we lost quite a few fish during the Thanksgiving break. We are still working with Trout Unlimited volunteers to discover the source of the issue. (The camera is now at the end of the tank which allows us to see more activity)


Close Up

Nov 15: An attempt to get some close-up video of our rainbow trout.


One inch long

Nov 18: Our trout are now about one inch long, which means they will be switching food size.


So much activity!

November 8: The students are noticing how much more active the trout have become.


Silly webcam

November 10: A first grader found joy in seeing his blurry reflection in the tank AND watching the young trout.


Out of the basket

November 1: After lowering the basket last week, many more of our small fry are exploring the tank. Check out their small fins, too!


Last days in the basket

October 28: Now that more trout are swimming in the tank, it's time to lower the basket to the bottom of tank. This will encourage more trout to leave the safety of the basket and explore more.

Some students have started to name our fish!


Growing fish

October 21: Our young fish continue to grow larger, darker in color, and are much more active in just one week.


Faster fish!

October 19: Students are excited to see how much faster the fish are swimming in their small net.


More activity

October 14: Within days of hatching, our young trout are getting to be more active. The egg sac is still attached to the abdomen of each fish, providing nutrients to the newly hatched fish.


Some start swimming

October 13: After just 2 days we started to catch glimpses of young trout start to swim.


Eggs in the tank

October 8, 2021 (nothing has hatched yet)


The eggs have started to hatch!

This video from October 12 catches a quick glimpse of a hatched fish swimming in the bottom left corner of the tank.


Our Eggs are in the tank!

Footage of the eggs when they first arrived in the tank, October 5th.

Thank you to John D. from the Denver chapter of Trout Unlimited for helping to set up the telemetry and technology components of our tank. He also delivered our eggs on Tuesday, October 5!

Water testing

Trout tank curiosity

Sharing wonder at the trout tank

Mr. Andy helps to insulate the trout tank

55 gallon tank

Adding water

Setting up the filter

Materials for the tank

Thank you to Jeff M. from the Denver chapter of Trout Unlimited for helping to set up the tank. (August 2021)