Mrs. Reznik

5th Grade Literacy

New Unit: Natural Disasters

109 Natural Disasters movie.mp4

Channel 109 News

111 Natural Disasters.mp4

Channel 111 News

Key Questions:

  • What is a natural disaster?
  • How can natural disasters affect the people who experience them?
  • How can natural disasters affect the places that experience them?
  • How can we prepare for natural disasters?

Previous Unit: Sports in American Culture

Over the next few weeks, we will be reading about the impact that sports have on American culture.

We will also be studying important athletes throughout history who have stood up for human rights.

Don't forget that we all are reading our independent reading books for 30 minutes a night, in order to grow as people and as readers, and reach our book goal for the year!

Helpful Links:

Our Scholastic Book Club Page: you can buy books for your student online! You can also view our wishlist and recommended titles if you need help selecting a book for your student.

Amazon Wishlist, if you'd like to purchase some books for our classroom