Meet Mrs. Holden

Welcome! My name is Shana Holden and I’ve been teaching in Denver Public School since 2001. I’m a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) and hold a Master’s of Arts in Educational Psychology from the University of Colorado at Denver. My undergraduate degree is from Michigan State University. GO STATE! In addition to being a teacher, I’m a wife and a mother to three fantastic boys. It is my hope to provide your children with the environment that I want for my own boys. Please don’t hesitate to contact me and thank you for sharing your children with me.

Fun Facts about Me!

  • I love running, hiking, and being in the trees!

  • Growing up, my summer job was working at an ice cream stand. I twirled ice cream cones all day long!

  • Traveling is something I love to do but don't do enough of it now that I have a family.