Know Justice, Know Peace- "The Take" Podcast
Our Story
It started with a field trip...
Little did our students know, this trip would significantly change many of the lives who attended- creating drive, motivation, and passion beyond their wildest dreams...
..and the world is listening...
In the fall of 2019, students and staff from Dr. Martin King, Jr. Early College embarked on a trip to Washington D.C. Their goal was to visit colleges Howard and Georgetown University, tour Washington D.C. and visit the National African American History Museum. This trip was designed for the students to research, think critically, and grow as scholars and as people.
As the students and staff prepped and began touring the National African American History Museum, they observed that the energy of group changed significantly and the group became overcome with emotion. As they continued to submerge themselves in history they observed all of the black leaders, politicians, trail blazers, artists royalty and more surrounding them...and questions came to the forefront..."Why did we have to travel 1,000 miles to learn about black history?"
This question would become the driving force behind several initiatives led by the Black Student Alliance (BSA). These young leaders took their passion full speed ahead presenting their ask to various leaders including their school, district, and beyond. The students have shared their voice advocating for more black history to be taught in their school as well as in the district.
When George Floyd's life was taken and uprising in the Black Lives Matter movement sparked protests throughout the world, the students wanted to share their voice and perspective. They did not want to remain silent. With that, the Know Justice, Know Peace, DMLK's the Take Podcast came to fruition.
The podcast consists of 8 episodes, with the final 3 topics determined by the listeners. To listen to the podcast and follow their journey, visit Know Justice, Know Peace-DMLK's "The Take" Podcast and like their page!
These young voices have gained significant traction and have gained national recognition! Take a look at their journeys below!
Alana Mitchell
Kaliah Yizar
Dahni Austin
Jenelle Nangah
Alana Mitchell
Alana Mitchell was born in Denver, Colorado. She has two brothers; one older and one younger. She attended Florida Pitt Waller for her entire elementary and middle school educational career. As a child, she put her energy towards theatre and arts, often participating in plays, festivals and drawing and creating new pieces. It was also during middle school when Alana started playing softball and volleyball.
Alana attended Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College during her freshman year of highschool, Collegiate Preparatory Academy during her sophomore year and returned to DMLK during her Junior year. Throughout high school, Alana has continued to play sports and has been captain of the volleyball team for the past two years. In October of 2019, she was one of 17 students that traveled to Washington, D.C., for the purpose of visiting multiple historic monuments, Howard and Georgetown University, and the African American History Museum. She completed her junior year with a 3.6 GPA and 15 college credits.
As a current senior, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Early College, Alana is one of the founding members of the Black Student Alliance and a member of the Know Justice Know Peace; DMLK’s The Take Podcast. Alana credits the trip to Washington D.C as the opportunity that helped her to become more involved and it provided her with the self recognition and acceptance of herself and family. She states, “That’s when I became one with myself.”
Alana plans to graduate as a student athlete and attend an HBCU and become Neuropsychologist.
Kaliah Yizar
Kaliah Yizar
Sophomore at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College
Know Justice Know Peace; The DMLK’s The Take Podcast
Fun Fact: I like to paint and make jewelry.
Kaliah Yizar was born in Wichita, Kansas where she resided until she relocated to Denver, Colorado in 2014. She attended Green Valley Elementary School during her 4th and 5th grade year and joined the DMLK family in 6th grade. As a child, she was highly active in playing the piano and participating in many academic exhibitions, such as science fairs, starting at the age of 4 years old. As she progressed through middle school she began to take advanced coursework including freshman biology and became involved with playing volleyball. She completed middle school and addressed the 8th grade class of 2019 as the Salutatorian with a combined grade point average of 3.9.
Freshman year was considered the year of many ‘firsts’ for Kaliah as she completed her freshman year with a 4.2 GPA. She successfully completed her first college course, she became an official and trained mentor to 6th grade students, and joined the DMLK Debate team. In October of 2019, she was one of 17 students that traveled to Washington, D.C., for the purpose of visiting multiple historic monuments, Howard and Georgetown University, and the African American History Museum. As of this summer, she has successfully completed Accelerated English and Math courses online, which will enable her to advance into English and Math 3 (junior/11th grade courses), as a sophomore. Kaliah also became a student of the COSLI (Colorado Student Leadership Institute) Class of 2020, and recently passed an additional college course at Community College of Aurora with an A.
As a current sophomore at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Early College, Kaliah is one of the founding members of the Black Student Alliance and a Co-Host of the Know Justice Know Peace; DMLK’s The Take Podcast. She looks forward to continuing into her 5th year on the volleyball team and participating in the Metro University after school enrichment program and taking her 4th year in the AVID program,
Out of all these achievements, Kaliah is most proud of the experience where she addressed the Denver Public Schools Board of Education, for the purpose of demanding change within the Black History Curriculum. Kaliah prides herself on staying committed to this movement and devoting hours of her time to make sure the BSA's hard work is and continues to be met with change. Kaliah states she is honored to be able to advocate for all students, by using her voice to push for a more balanced curriculum.
Dahni Austin
Sophomore at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College
Know Justice Know Peace; The DMLK’s The Take Podcast
Fun Fact: I like to draw
Dahni Austin was born in Boulder, Colorado. She has one younger brother that is five years old. Throughout her academic career she has attended three different schools; Phillips Elementary School, Omar D.Blair Charter School and now attends Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Early College (DMLKJEC). In her early childhood she was very active, and participated in soccer, performed as a ballet dancer, took lessons in martial arts training, took cooking classes, played multiple musical instruments, and participated in swimming classes. During her middle school years she played volleyball and soccer. She was also chosen to be captain of her volleyball team throughout middle school.
Dahni won first place at the science fair both her fifth and eight grade years. Since Dahni has started school, she has maintained a 3.8 GPA. During her freshman year, she completed her first two college classes, joined the DMLKJEC Debate team and coached middle school volleyball. Dahni has continued to go above and beyond receiving the Anchor in Advocacy Award, Achievement of Attendance Award, selected participant for CU Denver Pre-Collegiate Program, and Volunteered for Community Service. As of this summer, she has successfully completed Accelerated English and Math courses online, which will enable her to advance into English 3 and Math 3 (junior/11th grade courses), as a sophomore. She has also participated in a Sociology college class in which she successfully completed, ending her freshman year with a 4.0 GPA. Heading into her Sophomore year, Dahni is eager to participate in Debate tournaments, continue as a student athlete for volleyball, Minds Matter classes, and gain more college credits.
Dahni’s journey toward advocacy for our youth began in October of 2019, when she and 17 others traveled to Washington DC, for the purpose of visiting multiple historic monuments, Howard and Georgetown University, and the African American History Museum. Dahni is one of the founding members of the Black Student Alliance and a member of the Know Justice Know Peace; DMLK’s The Take Podcast.
Dahni is proud of all the experiences she has accomplished and addressed within the Denver Public Schools Board of Education, for the purpose of demanding change within the Black History Curriculum. Dahni devotes herself to continuing working for the BSA and sticking up for the right for African American students to be provided their education. Dahni plans to graduate high school with her associates degree and become a lawyer.
Jenelle Nangah
Jenelle Nangah
Senior at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College
Know Justice Know Peace; The DMLK’s The Take Podcast
Fun Fact: I am a YouTuber and I’m extremely goofy
Jenelle Nangah was born in Aurora, Colorado and currently resides in Denver. Throughout her academic life she has attended several schools, some experiences more pleasant than others. Despite, any obstacles that have been placed in her path, Jenelle has proven to be a very fast learner. She has used every learning experience to help shape her into who she is today.
Jenelle joined the Green Valley Ranch Community during her 6th grade year where she attended Omar D. Blair for her entire middle school career. There, she was vested in sports and played soccer, basketball and volleyball. Her ‘student athlete mindset’ continued during her freshman year of highschool, adding track and field to her sports portfolio. In addition to sports, Jenelle also participated in a variety of programs including the CU Pre-Health Collegiate Prep Program and served as a math tutor after school for other students.
During her sophomore year, Jenelle took advanced coursework in the content areas of Math, Science and English while she continued playing volleyball and track and field. She ended this school year with a 3.8 GPA. Her junior year was no different. She took all Concurrent Enrollment College Coursework in each content area, while still maintaining her love for sports. It was during this year that she joined the National Teen Leadership Program (NTLP). In October of 2019, she was one of 17 students that traveled to Washington, D.C., for the purpose of visiting multiple historic monuments, Howard and Georgetown University, and the African American History Museum
As a current senior at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Early College, Jenelle is one of the founding members of the Black Student Alliance and a Co-Host of the Know Justice Know Peace; DMLK’s The Take Podcast. She looks forward to finishing her senior year as a student athlete and graduating with additional college credits and attending an HBCU. Jenelle plans to continue to devote her heart and soul into the work of the BSA. It is her aspiration to inspire people everywhere, letting them know that their voices can and will be heard. Jenelle plans to leave a legacy of change that will never be forgotten.
Kimberly Grayson
Kimberly Grayson
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College
Fun Fact: I am a true introvert
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.”'
~Erma Bombeck
The quote above exemplifies my personal philosophy of teaching. I firmly believe that each day I walk into my office, it is my utmost priority to use every bit of talent, skill, knowledge, and resource available to instill self-confidence in my students and adults, remain relentless in helping them succeed, and to endorse and promote the value of professional collaboration and effective leadership.
As a child, I can vividly recall my parents emphasizing the importance of thriving in school. When I would finish my homework assignments, my father would encourage me to preview the next chapter of my textbooks. My mother always kept practice workbooks, one grade level above my level, at home for me to work on after I’d finish my homework assignments and on lazy weekends. My parents had high expectations for me, and they were willing to do anything they could to help me rise to their expectations. They praised my accomplishments and pushed me further along. Through all of this, I achieved self-confidence and the awareness that I could do anything I tried hard enough to do.
My name is Kimberly Grayson and I am honored and privileged to be the principal of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College. I graduated from high school as a junior in May 1993 and immediately began taking college courses that summer. I graduated from Newman University in Feb of 1997 with my bachelor’s degree. I began my teaching career in August 1997 as a 4th grade teacher at Ingalls Edison School. As a classroom teacher, I taught 4th and 5th grade at the elementary level and 6th and 8th grade at the middle school level. I have also served as a curriculum coordinator for Edison Schools Inc. From 2003- 2005, I took a position as an Educational Consultant for Edison Alliance and relocated to Charleston, South Carolina. During this time, I supervised two elementary schools, one middle school and one high school in the area of student achievement, learning environment, and language arts. At the conclusion of the 2004-2005 school year, I moved back home to Wichita, Kansas to serve as a Dean of Instruction for a middle school for one year. Following that year, I began my principalship. I have served as an Assistant Principal for one year and this school year marks my 13th year as a Building Principal.
I am a proud mother of a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College graduate, class of 2018 and my 11 year old daughter will be attending my school this year.
It is vital for students at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College to know they can succeed. Our students and I am confident that together we can create a positive learning environment for all of our students.