

MCA Teen Art Show

This piece was painted with gouache, my first real piece I did with that medium. The prompt was that called "Still Loading". The concept of the piece was that As the lady walks with the umbrella, only then is the color of the forest shown, therefore the color in the forest is still loading.

South Winter Art Show

I had a few pieces entered in this art show. Sadly, I lost all of the images that I had in the show when I took Photography. But the first of the two ceramic pieces, the snail, was a pinch pot with a texture on the outside. The second is a vase made of thin coils.

City-Wide Art Show

This is a slightly more competive art show. The piece that I had entered was a slab-vessel that was designed with a lilypad forest, using a method called scraffito.

South Spring Art Show

Like the Winter Art Show, I dont have the photographs that were submitted in this art show. But my lilypad slab vessel was accepted into this show.


State-Wide Capitol Art Competition

This piece was created in response to the prompt, "A Journey Through Art", for the Colorado Capitol Art Compeitition. When the Compeition was over, I came in second place.

South Winter Art Show

This is an art show where I had quite a few pieces. A lot of them were some of my favorite works. I believe I had 5 maybe 6 pieces from my drawing and painting class. One of them was the piece I did for the Capitol Compeitiion. I also had one ceramic piece, a special piece glazed through a process called raku..

City-Wide Art Show

This piece was created in my Ceramics 3 Class where I was instructed to create a slab vessel using tar paper. The tar paper was supposed to allow us to create much larger pieces and have the same stability. My piece didn't end up being extremely large but the texture on the outside was very intriguing.

MCA Teen Art Show

The piece entered was in response to a longer prompt that addressed the idea of teenagers, people with a want for childhood living in a world with the demands to be an adult and all the pressures that come with it. I created a piece with 7 different main pieces to it; the letter blocks, the teddy bear, tea set (to represent the child aspect) the office buildings, the people, the computer and papers (to represent the adult aspect) and a silhouette of a person stressed.

South Spring Art Show

This art show showcased three pieces of art and one ceramic piece. The ceramic piece was the same that was in the city-wide art show and the one of the three art pieces was the same for the Teen Art Show. One of the pieces was in address in a series of prompts for phobias. The other was a class assignment.

Second-Star Art Show

This piece was created in response to the mushroom prompt in my Drawing and Painting class. I took my own interpretation of the mushrooms to create this piece using a more psychedelic approach.


Scratch Magazine Vol. 2

The prompt for this piece was "over time". This was my first magazine submission and I am so proud of it. I created this piece using watercolor, it is also a monocromatic piece. The color I used was indigo, to still have some color without loosing the feeling and depth created with the dark color.

Scratch Magazine Vol. 3

The prompt this piece was "in process". The idea for this piece was that the fall was in process. This was a digital piece. I didn't used any black or white. I used an navy blue, maroon, and pale yellow, to express a depth in the piece and contrast.


South Winter Art Show

This piece was the second attempt I had made at making an organic form using clay. I wanted the piece to have almost zero flat edges. The piece was created using a soft mold and slab-building and I burnished it using a spoon to create the smooth sides.

Second-Star First Friday Art Show

These were three of my favorite pieces from my sustained investigation. They were pieces 2-4 in my sustained investigation. I think that they turned out the best and I burnished these three pieces to create a smooth surface.

All images of pieces can be found in the entry page of the years, with the same description