Ways to Make Sunshine

 Chapters 19 - 23

Chapter 19 (Ways to Make Sunshine) 

 🗣️ Discuss

 🛠️ Do!

Have your own parade just like Ryan and her friends!  Can you make a float? Wear a special outfit or uniform? 

▶️ Watch & 🛠️ Do!

Ryan decorates her room with suns on a rainy day.  We will be making a sun mural right in our main hallway at Cory!  If you want to try another sun craft, check this video to make a 3D sun! 

 🔎 Investigate & 🛠️ Do!

On page 150, Ryan says that she wants to make good food for people that need it.  Right here in Colorado, we have a non profit called Food Bank of the Rockies that helps people find food.  Check it out or even plan your own food drive! 

Chapter 20 (Practice Makes Perfect)

 🗣️ Discuss

🔎 Investigate

Check out this graphic with 5 ways to calm down if you are feeling nervous. 

Chapter 21 (Believing)

🗣️ Discuss

 🍲 Prepare

Try making Peanut Butter and Jelly Skewers like Ryan does in this chapter with this recipe below! 

🖍️ Create

Ryan makes up a story in her mind about the person that left the tin in her new house.  Find an item in your house and write or tell a story about it! 

Chapter 22 (The Show Must Go On)

🗣️ Discuss

▶️ Watch 📣 Listen

The phrase "The show must go on" is an idiom that many people have heard or know.  It means that no matter what happens good or bad, you have to keep going.  Check out this famous song by Queen.

Chapter 23 (Another Thing About Ice Cream)

🗣️ Discuss

 🛠️ Do!

There will be a new baby in the Hart family!  Choose a name for the new baby.  Why did you choose that name?  What does it mean? 

Questions with an * borrowed from: 

HCS Reads Program. (n.d.). Ways to Make Sunshine - Chapter Questions. https://sites.google.com/hamiltoncentral.org/hcs-reads/chapter-questions?authuser=0