Ways to Make Sunshine

 Chapters 1 - 6

Chapter 1 (The Girl Who Could Be King)

🗣️ Discuss

🔎 Investigate

What does your name mean?  Try out this name meaning search and find out!

Chapter 2  (The Thing About Ice Cream)

🗣️ Discuss

🎮 Play

Play the Make an Ice Cream game. 

Chapter 3 (Saying Goodbye)

🗣️ Discuss

🛠️ Do!

Ryan and Roy play the License Plate game in the car.  You can print out this checklist for your next trip to another state or just to the grocery store! 


▶️ Watch 

When Ryan and her family go on their last drive, they stop to do some birdwatching.  She lives in Oregon and we live in Colorado.  Check out these videos about birds in both states! 

Chapter 4 (New Beginnings)

🗣️ Discuss

📣 Listen & 🔎 Investigate

On page 26, Ryan talks about her Sous-chef (pronunciation) table.  Check out the definition to find out what it means!

🍲 Prepare

Have a family or friend dinner.  Try making a recipe you have never tried!  Not sure what to make?  Try the recipe finder at Cooking Matters a nonprofit working to solve problems of hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world.

Chapter 5 (What Night-Lights Are For)

🗣️ Discuss

📚 Read

Ray scares Ryan by pretending to be a ghost after talking about the items in the tin.  Check out the Scary Story Collection on Sora to read some ghost stories! 

🖍️ Create

Create a keepsake box that holds special memories.* 

Chapter 6 Chapter 6 (Finders, Keepers)

🗣️ Discuss

🧭 Explore

This story takes place in Portland, Oregon.  In this chapter it mentions Lake Oswego.  Can you find it on the map?

🍲 Prepare

In this chapter Amanda and Ryan make a smoothie called the Blackberry Extravaganza.  Try making your own blackberry lime smoothie with this recipe by clicking on the picture below.

Questions with an * borrowed from: 

HCS Reads Program. (n.d.). Ways to Make Sunshine - Chapter Questions. https://sites.google.com/hamiltoncentral.org/hcs-reads/chapter-questions?authuser=0