Year A Autumn

Knock! Knock! Who's There?

This term, our project is focused on learning all about houses and homes. In science we will be learning about different everyday materials and their uses in the world around us. We will be thinking about the Global Goals for 2030 and ways in which materials can be used to save energy and work towards sustainability. In history, we will learn about Victorian homes and toys. In design and technology, we will research different types of homes and using our modelling skills to make 3D representations. In computing, we will be using the Paint program to make a house for sale poster.

We will be making links within all this learning to Children's Rights, for example:

Article 16- the right to privacy.

Article 24 - the right to the best possible health.

Article 27 - the right to be safe (online safety)

If you would like to find out more about Children's Rights, follow this link to the UNICEF website:

Being Me in My World & Celebrating Difference

Our JIGSAW Puzzle piece for PSHE this half term is ‘Being in My World’. In class and at play we will learn how everyone is a valued part of the school community, recognising feelings of pride when we or someone else has made a good choice or been brave with their learning. We will learn about our rights as set out in the UNCRC, share ideas on ways to maximise learning in the classroom and agree our Class Charter. We will look at our responsibilities to both ourselves and others, and the rewards and consequences that may follow as a result of our own actions

After half term our Puzzle piece is ‘Celebrating Difference’. In this piece we learn about diversity by finding similarities between ourselves and others. We will begin to look at simple assumptions and stereotypes and raise questions about these, eg; “all girls don’t like football and can’t play it” - Is this true? We will learn to value difference in ourselves and others, and understand that it is not an acceptable reason for unfair treatment. We will develop a clearer idea of what bullying looks like and how to get help if we or someone else needs it.