Stage 5 Elective Information

Stage 5 at St Joseph's

Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10) presents the first opportunity for students to take control of their learning. Alongside the mandatory subjects students must study in Yrs 9 and 10 (see below), students can also choose 2 elective subjects to study each year.

This is an important decision and students are encouraged to take their time regarding elective selection. Once finalised students will undertake these 2 elective courses as part of their pattern of study each year.

It is a good idea to start putting some thought into the subjects you will be studying for the next 2 years. The information below will help you with your decision making. Students and parents are encouraged to take time, access all the information possible to assist in making your decisions. If you have any questions or issues please email or pop into the Curriculum Office.

Brett Moran

Curriculum Coordinator

Core Subjects

In Stage 5 (Years 9 & 10) all students MUST continue to study the following core subjects:



HSIE: Geography and History

Mathematics *Stages 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education


Elective Subjects

Students will undertake 2 chosen electives along with their Core subjects as their pattern of study for Yrs 9 and 10. Elective subjects are only offered as 100hr subjects at St Joseph's meaning students must pick 2 electives to study in Yr 9 and two different electives to study in Yr 10. The only variation to this is for students who elect to undertake a Pathway's course in Yr 10 (see information below)

At St. Joseph's we attempt to provide students with a wide variety of electives to enable students to further develop their knowledge, skills and interests as they progress towards senior studies in Years 11 and 12.

What Electives Can I Choose From?

Child Studies


Design & Technology


Food Technology

Industrial Technology (Timber)

Marine Studies


Physical Activity & Sport Studies

Visual Arts


To assist with your decision making process each student has been provided with a copy of the Stage 5 Subject Information Handbook via email and a copy was also shared with parents via Compass. This handbook has all the detail students and parents need to understand Stage 5 requirements for both mandatory and elective subjects as well as information on Assessment in Stage 5 and the RoSA.

On top of this each KLA has put together a short clip further explaining the elective courses they are offering. These clips are below and can be accessed by clicking on the subject or faculty you are interested in.

CAPA Electives



Visual Arts

HSIE Electives


TAS Electives

Design & Technology

Food Technology

Marine Studies

Industrial Technology (Timber)

PDHPE Electives

Child Studies

PDHPE Electives


Things to Consider When Choosing Your Electives

Students and their families are strongly encouraged to take their time and familiarise themselves with all the information required about electives and Stage 5 learning in general. Before making a final decision, discuss options with your parents, talk to students who may be currently doing these electives or have done in the past. Finally talk with your teachers to clarify any questions you have about a subject or whether they feel you would be suited to that subject. The email address for all KLA Coordinators can be found at the back of the Stage 5 Subject Information


  • Look at all the information provided

  • Discuss with your parent’s

  • What are YOU interested in

  • What are you plans for Yr 12 / Career


  • Choose a subject because your friends are

  • Choose something you are not interested in

  • Choose something because you think a teacher may/may not be taking it


Pathways is a process where you can spread your HSC out over more than 2 years. Pathways IS NOT compulsory and, whilst not an issue for students in Yr 9 as such, it can impact the study of electives in Yr 10 for students who choose to undertake this mode of study.

At SJCHS instead of doing your electives in Yr 10, you can possibly consider enrolling in one HSC course that you would begin next year. This would mean you will:

Complete Yr 11 work for that chosen course in 2022 (Yr 10)

Complete Yr 12 work for that chosen course in 2023 (Yr 11) alongside your other Yr 11 courses

Complete remaining Yr 12 work in 2024 (doing one one less subject that year)

Please be aware of this when considering your elective selections. We suggest considering selecting the two electives you are most interested in for Yr 9 instead of waiting for Yr 10.