
Daily ideas from the Department of Education NSW
Early Stage 1 Learning

Ideas for English Activities


Watch the books that are linked below!

  • Unicorn (and Horse)

  • Noises at Night (See Story study below)

Here are some questions you can ask before, during and after listening to the book:

  • Look at the cover. Make a prediction about what the story will be about.

  • Who are the characters in the story?

  • Where is the story set? (Draw a picture of the setting!)

  • What happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story?

Story Study:

  • Watch the story "Noises at Night" (linked below). Listen for the rhyming words in the story. Can you come up with any words that rhyme with "night", "scary" or "bed"?

  • Think about the different sounds being described in the story. Try to recreate some of the sounds. You could use your voice, your body or some different objects from around the house to make the noise.

  • Spend 1 minute listening for sounds inside or outside your house. Can you hear the wind blowing, a bird tweeting or people talking? Ask a parent to help you write "I can hear _______" and draw a picture to match.


  • Draw a picture of your favourite TV character and write their name

  • Look through a family photo album and create a sentence to match your favourite picture. Ask a parent to write the sentence and have a go at copying it underneath.


  • Name as many things starting with as you can!


  • Write about something funny that has happened to you

Ideas for Maths Activities

Listen for the counting sequence in these songs and rhymes, which can all be found on

• Five Little Ducks

• Ten in the Bed

• 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I Caught a Fish Alive

• Ten Green Bottles

• Five Little Monkeys

• 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe

Count how many:

  • Pegs are in the basket

  • Chair legs in the house

  • Stuffed toys you have

Shape detective:

Become a shape detective in your home! Put your detective hat on and start looking for some shapes in your house. You could find rectangles, squares, circles or triangles. Take some photos to show your teacher.

Playing Cards:

Use playing cards to play matching number games like ‘Snap’ with playing cards. Order the numbers on the cards from smallest to largest, or largest to smallest.

Making Patterns:

Create repeating patterns using household items. You could use lego, pegs, cutlery or even some of your toys. Take a photo of your pattern and post it to Seesaw. Your teacher would love to see your work!

Maths Problem:

  • When you/someone in your family sets the table how many pieces of cutlery do you need? Why?

  • Pick a number between 1-10. How many ways can you draw that many?

  • Now do the number just before/straight after.

Number Work:

For this activity you will need 10 paper plates, or 10 sheets of paper, numbered from 1 to 10. Clip the appropriate number of pegs on each number plate, for example 1 peg on the number 1, 2 pegs on the number 2 etc. Place the number plates in order from 1-10 and take a photo of your work!

Sort and Count:

Select something from your home that you can sort into colour groups. Some examples could include pegs, socks, blocks or lego. Sort the objects into colour groups and ask a parent to film you as you count the number of objects in each group!

Useful Websites and Links for Learning

Ideas for your Daily Kinder Timetable

Other Learning Ideas:

Ideas for enhancing hand and finger strength:

  • Squeeze a soft ball or soft toy as many times as you can in one minute.

  • Use household tongs to move pasta from one container to another.

  • Scrunch sheets of newspaper into small balls and then try to throw them at a target or in the bin.

  • Squeeze water out of a face washer or sponge.

  • Make as many playdough sausages as you can in one minute. Then cut up the sausages with scissors or a plastic knife.

  • Make a bird’s nest by pinching the playdough between the thumb and fingers, then make eggs for the nest by rolling the playdough into balls.

Physical Education:

This term, we have been experimenting with stretching, posture and balance. Click on the link below to visit "Cosmic Kids Yoga" and select a video to help you develop these skills.

Visual Arts:

Click the buttons below to draw some pictures. Don't forget to take some photos and post them to Seesaw! Your teacher would love to see.