Welcome Back Letter

Hello Students!

I am looking forward to seeing you in class! I enjoy teaching math because I like to solve puzzles and solve problems! I enjoy cooking, baking, sewing, playing the piano, playing with my kids, and fixing things. All of these use math. I enjoy figuring things out on the computer and spending money. My husband and our three kids love to go on adventures. I enjoy planning out those adventures . My kids love to try new hobbies and hang out with their friends and family. All of these use math! I like to look at patterns and predict what is going to happen. This too uses math! These are the reasons I like to teach math and help students understand how math is a useful tool to have. My goal is to help you see where math can be a useful tool to make wise decisions for you today and your future you. I want to see you make sense of your world with mathematics. I want to help you grow mathematically so you are prepared for the quantitative quandaries ahead. We will utilize the technology tools we have and our talents that lie with in us to get there. I can't wait to see you!

See you soon!

Mrs. Majors