Mrs. Jacobs Website

A little about me: I am starting my 11th year at Dover.  When I am not at school, I enjoy the outdoors and taking care of my three boys and the farm.  You may contact me at with any questions or concerns you have about this class. 

working classroom emoji

My Daily Schedule:

8:00-8:45 First Period  - Prep

8:49- 9:30 Second Period  -- Survey of Business

9:34-10:00 Pirate Time

10:04-10:45 Third Period -- JAG

10:49-11:30 Fourth Period  -- Career Readiness

11:34-12:15 Fifth Period -- JAG

12:19-1:00 Lunch B

1:04-1:45 Sixth Period -- Career Readiness

1:49-2:30 Seventh Period  -- JAG

2:34-3:15 Eighth Period  -- JAG

Standard paper and pen. 

Highly recommend earbuds.

Most of the classes will be online.