Dates to Remember

Please refer to the SLS calendar for a more comprehensive listing


Mission - 'Souper' Bowl Can Drive for the Pittsford Food Cupboard led by 2nd grade

1 - Happy New Year No School

11 - Assembly at 2:20 with Fr. Juan

21 - Martin Luther King Day No School

25 - Spirit Day

28-February 1 - Catholic Schools Week

29 - Mass led by 5th grade/Crazy Hats

30 -Mismatched Day

31 - Bus Driver Appreciation Day/Color Day (Green Class Shirts)

Feb. 1 - 'Souper' Bowl Dress Down

Assembly at 2:20 in the gym with Fr. Juan


Mission - Sneakers for Haiti led by all grades

1- Assembly at 2:20 in the gym with Fr. Juan

18-22 - Winter Recess No School


Mission - Underwear Drive for the Villa of Hope led by K

4 - Assembly at 2:30 in the gym with Fr. Juan