SLS Information

Important Things To Remember:

C.A.S.E.Training (Creating and Maintaining a Safe Environment): Each person who wishes to volunteer in our classroom must attend a C.A.S.E. Training course. You need only take the course once throughout your child's school years.The classes are offered at Saint Louis School and other churches as well.

Absenteeism: If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please call the school 586-5200.You can even leave a message on the school tape machine and we'll be notified.

Birthday Celebrations: We love to celebrate birthdays! We invite a special person in your family to come and join us for the celebration. You will be invited to share a special book with the class. Please no food or goodies are allowed.

Clothing: Please send your child in play clothes! We often play with paint, markers, and play-dough. We will try to stay clean!!!

Sneakers are best. Please do not send your child to school in sandals, flip-flops, crocs or shoes without backs. These are dangerous when we are outside playing and get filled with wood chips.

Belts are difficult to remove quickly when the bathroom is needed. Please send your child in pants that can easily be pulled down - elastic waists are best. Snaps and buttons can be difficult for little hands to do alone. Any clothing your child can maneuver him or her self encourages independence.