Investing in our Future: Safe, Strong, Successful

November 7, 2018

Thank you.

We would like to thank our entire school district community for your engagement and thoughtful consideration of the referendum question on the November 6 ballot.

We are pleased the solution the board presented to voters was approved.

With the passage of the referendum, our district will be able to address its financial needs, strengthen the physical safety of our schools and enhance the educational opportunities provided to students.

We are also very grateful to have had the opportunity to engage the community in a two-way conversation about the district's needs, the process used to evaluate those needs and the development of a targeted solution. Over the last year, we have spoken with hundreds of community members, staff and students about how we can best position the district and its schools for the years to come. These conversations will continue.

With that, we want to thank you for your commitment to the School District of South Milwaukee and the students and families we serve.

Dear Community Members,

The School District of South Milwaukee School Board has placed a solution on the November ballot that will help it to address its financial needs, strengthen the physical safety of our schools and enhance the educational opportunities provided to students.

As part of this process, the Board is keeping parents, staff, and community members informed of the opportunities and challenges facing the district. We believe we have developed a solution that meets the community’s needs, is fiscally responsible and effectively invests in our schools for the years ahead.

Below you will find several key resources providing more information on the School District of South Milwaukee's financial needs and the solution that will appear on the ballot November 6, 2018:

Do you have a question not addressed here? Please complete this form and we will add all new and relevant questions, along with responses, on a regular basis.


South Milwaukee School Board

Carol Dufek, President

Therese C. Travia, Vice President

Douglas Perry, Clerk

John E. Haslam, Treasurer

David J. Maass

Jon Shelenske

Sophia Williams