College Resources

All Things College!

From researching colleges, to applications and choosing a school, this section is full of resources to help both students and parents through the process.

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Deciding to pursue a college education can be a transformative and enriching experience. College offers a unique opportunity for personal growth, academic exploration, and professional development. By furthering your education, you open doors to a world of possibilities and unlock your potential in ways you may not have imagined.

Attending college can expose you to diverse perspectives, cultures, and ideas that broaden your horizons and deepen your understanding of the world. It provides a platform for you to develop critical thinking skills, sharpen your communication abilities, and cultivate a lifelong love for learning. Moreover, a college degree can significantly enhance your career prospects and earning potential, opening up a myriad of opportunities for personal and professional advancement.

Remember, the journey through college is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's also about discovering your passions, building lifelong connections, and shaping the person you aspire to become. Embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and allow yourself to be inspired by the endless possibilities that a college education can offer.

Top Factors in Admission Decisions

According to the NACAC, Fall 2023 

*It is important to note that admissions officers will continue to give preference to students who have demonstrated competence in a rigorous academic course of study over students who maintain a good  grade point average by taking less rigorous courses.

Preparing for College

Preparing for College Application




The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) is a tuition-savings program that makes attending out-of-state colleges and universities more affordable for students. Through WUE, you receive a reduced tuition rate, giving you more education options for your money. Virtually ALL undergraduate degrees are available.


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