AP Physics

AP Physics is a college-level course. Beyond the topics of Physics, students will practice problem solving skills as they design many of the laboratory investigations on their own within parameters. This courses uses an online textbook, College Physics for AP Courses. Khan Academy is a good source of additional review if needed. Students also will use access to AP Classroom for some assignments and review activities.

Unit 1: Introduction to Physics

Unit 2: One-Dimensional Kinematics

Unit 3: Two-Dimensional Kinematics

Unit 4: Forces and Newton's Laws of Motion

Unit 5: Gravitation and Uniform Circular Motion

Unit 6: Work and Energy

Unit 7: Linear Momentum and Collisions

Unit 8: Torque and Angular Momentum

Unit 9: Harmonic Motion


A good source for practice tests on each unit

Video series that goes with our textbook

Physics Syllabus.docx