Classroom Supplies

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!”

Dr. Seuss

Materials needed for First Grade:

Materials needed for First Grade: 

12 #2 pencils (non-decorative), sharpened if possible (Ticonderoga brand preferred) 

1 packages of pencil top erasers (Norton only) 

1 large eraser

2 boxes of 48 crayons 

1 box of 8 Crayola classic washable markers 

1 pair Fiskars blunt edge scissors 

1 Large box of Kleenex  

5 glue sticks 

1 highlighter

2 dry erase markers (thin)

6 PLASTIC pocket folders (blue, red, green, purple, orange and yellow) 

2 small 6"x9"(or close to this) pencil storage boxes 

1 white 3 ring binder

1 pair of headphones/earbuds (in a baggie for storage)

2 containers of Clorox Wipes (by donation only)

Indoor tennis shoes (to wear for P.E.)

*Please label everything EXCEPT individual crayons and pencils