Dinkarrao K.Shinde College Of Education  Gadhinglaj



Vision- To be an academic resource center for facilitating the access,comprehension and construction of knowledge in teacher education.

Mission -

1.To work for availability support and development of knowledge in the field of teacher education.

2.To facilitate student learning and research both through the conventional and techno sevvay ways.

3.To serve the academic and professional needs of the faculty by making available the needed resources

4.To offer an environment that fulfills the academic and professional needs of diverse categories of user.

5.To support the college in translating its vision in to reality.

About the Library

The library is the soul of the college and treasure house of knowledge and information for the educational, social and cultural development of the college. Library is the essential and integral component of this institution. The library holdings in terms of books, journals and other learning materials and technology– aided learning mechanisms enable students to acquire information, knowledge and skills required for their study programs.


• To build collection complementary for competitive exams to provide competitive edge to students

• To build collection complementary for competitive exams to provide competitive edge to students  provide innovative services to the users.

• To provide better and timely access to the resources available in the library.

• To provide more and more access to the e-resources through Internet.

• To participate in resource sharing (Library Consortium) enrich collection of the library

•To make available reading material and other resources as per requirements of teaching faculty.