Davis Senior High School



The Davis Senior High School Agriculture Program is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of young people through the wide variety of resources and opportunities that agriculture education has to offer.  

We strive to lead, assist, encourage, and motivate students to  pursue premier leadership, academic achievement, personal growth, and career success in the field of agriculture and beyond!

Agriculture Pathways

Pathways to careers & college that enhance your high school experience!

Be sure your academic plan includes one of our courses.  We encourage you to explore all pathways as well as concentrate in one that grows your passion.

Click on the Pathways below to explore! 

Ag CTE VIDEO DSHS Agriculture_2.mp4

Learn More

Take a look at what we have to offer!

What is FFA?

FFA is a national youth leadership organization for students enrolled in comprehensive secondary agriculture programs like the one offered through Davis Senior High School.  Davis FFA, charted by the California State FFA Association and affiliated with National FFA since 1974, is an integral component of our program of instruction.  The student centered and student driven FFA program of activities offers a wide variety of opportunities for Davis FFA members to get involved in their school, in their community and in their passions.  FFA offers a wide variety of personal and professional development events designed to help students achieve their potential, discover their talent, and acquire tools needed for real-world success.   What we hear from our students and amazing officers is that Davis FFA is what makes their day! 

Check out our chapter activities!

Log Your FFA and SAE Participation!