

Portfolios- As your Student collects more art work from class projects or daily sketches that are inspired from everyday living- please help them develop a portfolio to house their body of work.

One day in the not to distant future your student will be applying for college or that amazing job in technology- engineering-architecture- web design- landscape design -game development- the list is endless of careers where drawing will be key. To have a collection of their work documented over the years might be the reason and give them the edge to step into a great career.

Compose great photographs of your Students paintings, 3-d work or any community art projects they participate in. Catalog the photographed pieces and house in archival quality portfolios.

Save the photographs in jpeg format on a compact disc with titles of pieces and a brief description of the Artwork- the medium & how the piece was created even the inspiration behind the design.

A Power-point of the student's collection allows for a more detailed description of each piece.


A Great Confidence Builder

Students are often shy about expressing themselves through Art.

Peter H. Reynolds

Wrote a sweet little story about a Student

That was shy and overwhelmed about starting an Art Project.

The Dot

encourages students to just make a mark

and see where it takes them with an IDEA.

* Please see the video Page .



