Paper Works:


  • Automated Prediction of Heart Disease Patients using Sparse Discriminant Analysis, Accepted in ECCE 2019 conference.
  • A Novel Approach for Client Side Encryption in Cloud Computing, Accepted in ECCE 2019 conference.


  • Performance Evaluation of Ensemble based Machine Learning Methods for detecting CKD disease. Presented in the conference of ERCICA 2018 at Banglore, India.
  • A Multifactor Authentication model to mitigate the Phishing Attack of E-Service Systems from Bangladesh Perspective. Presented in the conference of ERCICA 2018 at Banglore, India.
  • Crick-net: A Convolutional Neural Network based Classification Approach for Detecting Waist High No Balls in Cricket. Submitted paper to the conference of ICACIE 2018.
  • Burst Header Packet Flood Detection in Optical Burst Switching Network Using Deep Learning Model, Accepted paper in the conference of ICACC 2018, Keralla, India. Springer Link
  • A Framework for Detecting Driver Drowsiness based on Eye Blinking Rate and Hand Gripping Pressure, Accepted in IJCCI Conference, DIU.
  • A CNN Based Classification Model for Recognizing Visual Bengali Font, Accepted in IJCCI Conference, DIU.
  • A Framework for detecting Driver drowsiness based on Eye Blinking rate and Hand gripping pressure. Accepted in IJCCI Conference, DIU.

B.Sc. Project:

  • DIU student Project Allocation and Management System.
  • DIU Bus Tracking System: Android Application. B.Sc. Project.
  • Home Rent System: Android Apps
  • Automated Exam Invigilation Scheduling System.
  • IOT based Digital Garbage Management System.
  • An Android Application for Bengali OCR from Image.
  • Smart Complaint Management System for City Dwellers .
  • AI ChatBot for E-commerce
  • National Flag Identification using Convolution Neural Network

M.Sc. Project/Thesis:

  • The relationship between knowledge Management practice and organizational performance.
  • The impact of ICT Training on Women's Economic Empowerment: A case study of a government project in Bangladesh.
  • ERP System for Electronic Tendering System (E-Tender)
  • Fruit Disease Classification using Clustering and Classification Algorithm.