Title Defense



This study focuses on the crucial role of facial expressions in determining an individual’s emotions. The aim is for machines in HCI to perceive human emotions accurately. The basic premise is emotion detection from images using deep learning models. We want to present a robust method for detecting six fundamental emotions anger, neutral, happiness, sadness, disgust, and surprise through facial expressions. 

Problem Statement

Machines must accurately interpret human emotions through facial expressions to advance Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Without perfect emotion recognition, smooth and emotionally intelligent interfaces and meaningful human-computer interactions are limited. This limitation prevents the creation of seamless, emotionally intelligent interfaces, limiting human-computer contact. The biggest issue is the necessity for advanced models, such as deep learning models, to recognize and respond to facial expressions. This issue must be tackled to close the gap and provide more meaningful, responsive, and intuitive HCI solutions. 



Related Works

Comparison Between Existing Table


Gap Analysis

Proposed Methodology


Data Pre-processing

Result Analysis

Overall Work Procedure


The research explores emotion detection through image processing and deep learning, emphasizing the selection of Deep Learning Models. The study's findings indicate a promising future for integrating these technologies into practical applications, reshaping emotion detection and enhancing our understanding of human behaviour through AI-driven insights.

FL23D171_Presentation Slide