My Projects

"Turning ideas into code and aspirations into solutions – my projects, where innovation meets execution, are the keystrokes that shape the future."

Project name: ScholarCuts

ScholarCuts is a discount website, you'll find exclusive offers and discounted products customized specifically to your needs. Discover unbeatable savings tailored for students.


HTML, CSS,  JavaScript

Project name: Wallpaper_Infinity

Wallpaper_Infinity is a GUI-based python application that can generate wallpaper help with shapes and color.


Project name: Excel-to-JSON

It is a converter that can convert data from an Excel (.csv) file to a JSON file.


Project name: Infiga application UI design

It is a UI design of an application named "Infoga". It is designed for sharing data from your Mobile device via NFC. One user can share his or her information with another user easily and safely. This information can be stored in the drive and separated for various uses.


Project name: Employee-HR-Connect

It is a small project built in Java language.        I named it "HR-Connect". Employee Management System in Java without MySQL. To see the branding of the project follow the explore button or you can download the project by following the download button.

