Computer Fundamental


Google Classroom & BLC

Google Classroom Code: 

BLC Link CSE112:  

Enrollment key: Enrolled Students Only 

Study materials & supporting tools

Course Rationale

As digitization is touching our lives in almost all spheres computer inevitable. Computers are present everywhere from schools to colleges to banks to post offices to professional world to personal life. Education is fully dependent on the rigorous use of computers. Computer Fundamentals (CSE 112) is one of the basic courses of CSE that helps the students to go deep into this magical machine. This course has been designed for the newly admitted students with great enthusiasm to learn and apply their knowledge in the long run. 

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to introduce the fundamentals of computing devices and reinforce computer vocabulary, particularly with respect to personal use of computer hardware and software, the Internet, networking and mobile computing. It focuses on such computer literacy that prepares students for life-long learning of computer concepts and skills. Students discovers why computers are essential components in education, business and society in this course.