

The project titled Library Management System is Library

Management software for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library .The project “Library Management System” is developed in Java using SQL database, which mainly focuses on basic operations in a library like adding new books, and updating new information, searching books and members and return books.

This project of “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT” of gives us the complete information about the library. We can enter the record of new books and retrieve the details of books available in the library. We can issue the books to the students and maintain their records and can also check how many books are issued and stock available in the library. In this project we can maintain the late fine of students who returns the issued books after the due date.

Throughout the project the focus has been on presenting information and comments in an easy and intelligible manner. The project is very useful for those who want to know about Library Management System.


  1. Manage books

  2. statistics

  3. Manage students

  4. Issue books

  5. Return books

  6. User login

  7. User registration

Objective/ Vision

A library management software where admin can add/view/delete librarian and librarian can add/view books, issue, view issued books and return books.

Users of the System

  1. Admin

  2. Libraian

Functional Requirements

1. Admin

  1. Can add/view/delete librarian

  2. Can logout

2. Librarian

  1. Can add/view books

  2. Can issue books

  3. View issued books

  4. Return Books

  5. Can logout

Tools to be used

  1. Use any IDE to develop the project. It may be Eclipse /Myeclipse / Netbeans etc.

  2. MySQL for the database.


Proposed system is an automated Library Management System. Through our software user can add books, search books, renewal, update information, edit information, and return books in quick time. Our proposed system has the following advantages.

. User friendly interface

. Fast access to database

. Less error

. More Storage Capacity

. Search facility

. Look and Feel Environment

. Quick transaction

Project design