Seesaw Directions:

For Students

Finding Seesaw Activities

  • You can find your child's activities for the day by clicking on the "Activities" lightbulb.

Starting a Seesaw Activity

Once you see the activity, your child should click on the "play instructions". This is also available at the top of all activities once you click "Add Response".

Completing a Seesaw Activity

Once you click, "Add Response," you will be taken to the activity.

On the left hand side and bottom, you'll find a lot of choices. Your child can enter text (T), draw a picture using the different drawing tools at the bottom, take a picture, and record his/her voice.

If your child isn't sure what to do, he/she can press the "view instructions" at the top of the page AND check the bottom right hand corner for a play button. That play button will give detailed directions for the specific page.

If there is more than one page, your child should click the right arrow until all pages are complete.

Submitting a Seesaw Activity

Once your child is done, he/she can press the green check button in the top right hand corner of the screen. This submits work to Ms. Economos!

If your child isn't done and needs to eat dinner, get a snack, use the restroom, or just wants to finish later, please press the "Save Draft".

You can go back and find that activity later and start off from where your child left off!

If work is still in your child's Activity Folder...

Check the comments section to see if I wrote a note. If so, that means that your child should read the comment and fix whatever I mention.

Click the three dots and choose "edit post".

Go in, fix any mistakes, and then press the green check mark again to resubmit.