
Students are challenged each day to participate in the activities listed on the calendar. For April, kids (and parents!) can practice some basic fitness exercises, plus some baseball themed activities in honor of Opening Day on March 26th.

Each week, the number of repetitions for each fitness exercise increases. Please keep in mind the number of repetitions is meant as a guide, and can be adapted as needed based on age group and skill level.

The calendar includes a task card for each challenge, so you can show your students images of the correct way to do the activities.

Opening Day

On Wednesdays, students will refer to the Baseball Task Card to celebrate the start of baseball season at the end of March into April. Each Wednesday of the month, students will do the 5 activities listed on the card. These include practicing swinging a bat, pitching with both their dominant and non-dominant hand, throwing, and catching.

You can use the task card to create stations – print each baseball activity on a sheet of paper and tape it to a cone. Set up 5 cones for each activity. Students will rotate at the sound the “Charge” theme song.

If your students do not have basballs or bats at home, you can still have them act out the activities using their imagination. You can even suggest some items they can use instead to practive swinging at an object, like a balloon and a pool noodle.

Task Sheet

Download our printable Fitness Challenge Task Sheet for your participants to fill out each day. They will record what exercises they did and put a check mark in the completed box if they completed the number of reps on the calendar. There is also a self-assessment section which is great for social emotional learning. Kids will circle the emoji that best describes how they felt after doing the exercises. The notes section is a place where they can jot down anything related to the activities, and also a great place to record their hobbies they did each Saturday this month.