One Book, One School: A Boy Called BAT

Our Ames Elementary School PTA presents our 2022 One Book, One School program!

One Book, One School: A Boy Called BAT

January 24-March 2

Welcome to the Ames One Book One School event! This is a community event where families, students and teachers will be sharing their love for literature by all reading A Boy Called BAT by, Elana K. Arnold.

Parents and Families are encouraged to read aloud the book to their student(s) at home. Reading aloud is valuable because it better prepares effective readers and it also a worthwhile family event!

You can also listen to the audiobook for each chapter recorded by some of our own Ames teachers! The links can be found under the "Audio Recordings" tab on this website!

What is One Book, One School?

One Book, One School is a national program to promote reading together at home.

The benefits of reading out loud to children are remarkable.

Benefits to reading out loud include:

*improved listening skills

*builds larger vocabularies

*children understand concepts better

*gives a positive outlook on reading and books

to learn more visit: