
Choose with whom you want to work:

Choose to work independently, with a partner, or with a group. You may only work with people in your own literature circle.

Choose two questions to respond to in your presentation:

1. Please briefly summarize the novel. Why do you think the author wrote this book? What did he/she want you to know?

2. How does the main character (Joshua, Levi, or Hattie) in your novel feel about the journey west? How would you feel if you were ‘in your character’s shoes, and why?

3. What is the theme in your novel? Please give at least five examples that support your bold thesis statement!

4. Does each character have the same reason for moving westward on the Oregon Trail? Please choose at least three characters from your book and describe what caused them to travel westward, and the effect it has had or may have on him/her.

***Your work must also include the book title, author, and illustrator (if applicable)***

Choose one of the following modes of presentation:

  • create an original song or poem using Garage Band
  • create a Kahoot! Quiz
  • create a play or movie with iMovie or DoInk
  • create a poster presentation (you must supply the poster board)

This project is due on Friday, March 16, 2018!