Mrs. Friedrichs' 

1st Grade 



I just wanted to send a note to give you a few bits of information before open house. I’m looking forward to meeting your child and a new school year. I will send most notes through email this year. Other general Information can be found on my

*We will have snack time this year due to a late lunch time. You may bring your child’s snack with you to the open house. Please avoid snacks that have nuts or peanut butter. The snack will be for your child only. Please provide a nutritious snack for your child. We suggest sending something like a box of crackers or dry cereal to keep at school so they always have something available. However, if you would like to send something different at any time, like fruits or vegetables, you may do so.  Unfortunately, there will be no room to refrigerate items at school.  

*Feel free to send a labeled water bottle with your child daily (with only water).

*On the first day of school, your child will get a purple take home folder. Please check your child's purple take home folder daily for important information.  If you need to send a note to school, please put it in this folder as I check them each morning.  Please remind your child to bring this folder back and forth daily.  

*If your child has a change in their regular afternoon routine, please send a note or call the office.  If you email transportation changes, please include Debbie Moritz ( on your emails.

*Every Friday is school spirit day!  Dress in ‘Albany Huskies' clothes or purple & white.

*School pictures will be on September 20.

*Birthday Celebrations: Please have your child bring a favorite book from home for me to read to the class on the day of their birthday. No food treats can be served per school policy.

*Please reply to this email so I can ensure you received it. Most communication this year will be sent through email. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


Sara Friedrichs

Friday, September 30


The first graders are working steadily to learn all the letters, sounds and some important sight words. It is very helpful to reread the colored books and the Weekly Practice Page (this week it was for this week and next week). It is also beneficial to keep the books to read again later on as we work on reading fluency.

In math we are working on counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s, basic addition and subtraction.

**There will be no Speak-Up next week. 

**Thursday, Oct. 6: Walkathon --We'll be outside all afternoon, please make sure your child has clothes for the weather.
**Friday, October 7: At Home Learning Day--work will come home next week.

Lost and Found Image Link Please check out these items and see if they belong to you or your child. Please consider labeling your child's sweatshirts & jackets.

Albany Elementary yearbook Early Bird Special is $17. This offer expires 11-1-22. Prices then increase to $20. 

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 6

Hello!  We made it through the first day and the kids did great.  This website will be where I send home most classroom information this year.  I will send you an email each time I add an update.   You can also access my website any time through the school webpage.

*Breakfast:  We will have breakfast in the classroom each day after morning recess.  It is free for everyone.

*Purple Folder: Please check your child's purple take home folder daily. If you need to send a note to school, please put it in this folder as I check them daily. 

*Extra Clothes:  Please send an extra set of clothes (shirt, pants, socks, underwear) as most of you did for kindergarten. Nurse Morgan has a very limited collection.

*Birthdays:   Please have your child bring a book from home that I can read to the class.  Per Albany Elementary School policy, there are no food treats for birthdays.  Non-edible treats are optional. 

*Fridays:  Each Friday is school spirit day.  Dress in Albany Huskies clothing or purple and white.  

*After School Routine:  If your child has a change in his/her regular afternoon routine, please send a note, call the office, or send an email to BOTH Debbie and me (just in case one of us doesn't see it in time).  

*School Pictures:  Pictures are September 21.  You can send in your envelope any time and I will hold on to it until picture day.

*Snacks:  Please avoid snacks that contain nuts or peanut butter.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns!  Thanks!  Sara

Monday, May 23:  Pajama Day

Tuesday, May 24:  Dress like your teacher OR Twin Day & Field Trip to the Public Library 

Walking Field Trip to the Public Library:  Please have tennis shoes & dress in layers.  Permission covered by a slip signed at the beginning of the year for field trips in Albany. 

Rubin & Hoeschen:  8:40am-9:50am  

Steve & Friedrichs:  9:10am-10:15am

Wednesday, May 25:  Wacky Day

Thursday, May 26:  Hat/Sports Day & ***SPELLING TEST*** (No Speak-up this week)

Friday, May 27:  Purple Pride Day & North Park Field Trip: 10:45am-1:15pm  Items needed:  Lunch (unless you ordered from school), water bottle, hat/sunscreen, tennis shoes

Tuesday, May 31:  Movie in Sauk Centre (We’ll be back for lunch at school)

Wednesday, June 1:  Game Day Rotations:  We’ll be outside for a couple of hours.  Items needed:  Water bottle, hat/sunscreen, tennis shoes

Thursday, June 2:  Last Day:  Early Dismissal at 12:10pm

April 8, 2022

*Junior Achievement:  This week we had 2 volunteers (Kelly & Jannette) from Magnifi Financial to teach us some social studies lessons through the Junior Achievement program.  They will come four more times this year. The kids learn about topics like community members, volunteers, needs and wants.  

*Kroehm Duo:  On Monday, we walked to the BEAT for a musical duo scheduled by Mr. Resley and sponsored by MPR.  The duo  performed and taught the kids about the marimba and xylophone.  

*Pawsitive Pride:  We are very excited to announce that our class earned the Pawsitive Pride mat for walking quietly in the hallway.  Please see the class picture in the photos tab.

*Shoe Tying Challenge:  Maybe you heard about our shoe tie challenge from your child.  We practiced a couple times last week and many kids have it mastered or are very close. Thanks for helping them out at home.  Many kids were teaching other kids. There were so many methods that most kids found a way that worked for them.  Here are a few quotes from the practice that made me smile...

"I'm really good at untying shoes and no one even taught me!"

"I thought I'd never make it!"

*Boots:  Please encourage your child to still wear boots to school.  The playground is quite muddy.  Thanks!

*Spring Photos:  Ludwig Photography will take spring pictures of all kids on March 26 and donate money back for each photo.  A proof will be sent home.  There are no forms to be filled out unless you decide to order once the proofs arrive.  A pink sheet was sent home earlier in the week.

*Pictures:  Please see the Photos tab for some new pictures

Have a good weekend!

March 7-11

*The spelling test & Speak-up will be on Thursday, March 10.

*Friday, March 11:  At Home Learning Day:  A packet  of activities will be sent home to complete & return.

*Please see the photo tab for new pictures.

*March 14-18:  Food Shelf Collection

Kindergarten: dessert mixes (cakes, cookies, brownies, etc)

1st: fruit snacks and snack bars

2nd: beans and ramen

3rd: tissues and paper towels

4th: shampoo and conditioner

5th: toilet paper and toothpaste/brushes

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

*New Photos on the Photos Tab

I Love to Read Month Dress-up Days:  Feb. 22-25

Tuesday 2/22: Sports Jersey/Electronics Day (electronics may be brought from home at parents' discretion or they can use our classroom ipads)

Wednesday 2/23: The "Rainbow of Readers - Colors Day" (each grade is a different color)







Thursday 2/24: Favorite Book Character/Fictional Animals Day (bigfoot, unicorns, etc.) 

Friday 2/25: Pajamas and Extra Reading Day--Bring a blanket and a flashlight

December  14, 2021

Christmas Concert:  Just a reminder that the Christmas concert for our classroom is on Thursday, December 16 at the BEAT.  Students can come to their designated area (follow the signs) at 6:15pm and the concert starts at 6:30pm.  

Dress-up Days:  December 20-22:

Monday, Dec. 20:  Christmas Colors Day

Tuesday, Dec. 21:  Obnoxious Christmas Wear (Christmas clothes, socks, etc)

Wednesday: Dec. 22:  Pajama Day

Dominoes:  Your child will be bringing home a bag of paper dominos to keep at home.  Here are the some ways to use them.

*  We continue to work on improving number sense (telling what's more or less, looking a grouping of numbers and identifying how many without counting).  

*Top-it (aka War).  Play with family 2 or more family members.  Count the dots all together or add each side.  You could chose before the game to have the higher or the lower number win.

*Patterns:  Look for patterns in the dots, identify odd or even, create a "train" based off of patterns.

*Reading:   Please continue to help your child reread the little paper books and various reading sheets. 

*New Pictures:  Please the photos tab for some new pictures.


October 19, 2021

*Spelling Test:  Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 20.  (No school Thursday and Friday)

*We will be having a Halloween Party on Friday, October 29.  Please send your child's costume in a bag for the party.  

*We have parties at Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's Day.  I divide the class up into 3 groups and ask each family to send a small edible treat for ONE of the parties.  I sent the notes home last week for those asked to bring to the Halloween party.  However, if you had something in mind to send to one of the parties and you weren't on the treat (edible or inedible) list for that party, please feel free to still send it.  

*Pictures:  School pictures will be sent home tomorrow.  Retakes are Tuesday, Nov 2nd.  Students that want retakes will need to return their original package/pictures.


Spirit Week: September 27-30

Monday- Pajama day

Tuesday- Beach Bums

Wednesday- Sports day

Thursday- Purple Pride

September 20, 2021

Hi!  Just a few updates and reminders.

*Pictures:  Wednesday, September 22.

*Forms:  There were many forms to be filled out the beginning of the school year.  If you haven't completed them yet, please send them in as soon as possible.  There is also a form that gives permission to post your child's picture online (When forms are completed I will post pictures of eligible children doing classroom activities on this website)

*Homework Sheet:  Today stapled to the Speak-up for this week, you will see a sheet with the sounds and words we are reviewing from kindergarten.  Please support or challenge your child as much as needed on this sheet.  Make it as fun and low stress as possible, which might mean doing small portions each day. 

Here are a few ways to practice:  Read the sheet to your child and have him/her echo the words back to you, have your child read it to you, have your child hunt for a word, write words with magnetic letters, write words with markers, have your child name rhyming words, or words that start with a particular letter.  This sheet is for the next two weeks.

*Little Books:  Throughout the school year you will see copied little paper books come home.  These books contain skills we are working on in the classroom and it's very beneficial to review them at home.  As with the homework sheet, support your child as much as possible.

Thanks!  Let me know if you have any questions!

September 9, 2021

Hello!  We made it through the first day and the kids did great.  This website will be where I send home most classroom information this year.  I will send you an email each time I add an update.   You can also access my website any time through the school webpage.

*Breakfast will be served each day from 7:45-8:05.  There will be no breakfast if school is two hours late.

*Birthdays:   Please have your child bring a book from home that I can read to the class.  Per Albany Elementary School policy, there are no food treats for birthdays.  Non-edible treats are optional. 

*Fridays:  Each Friday is school spirit day.  Dress in Albany Huskies clothing or purple and white.  

*After School Routine:  If your child has a change in his/her regular afternoon routine, please send a note, call the office, or send an email to BOTH Debbie and me (just in case one of us doesn't see it in time).  

*School Pictures:  Pictures are September 22.  You can send in your envelope any time and I will hold on to it until picture day.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns!  Thanks!  Sara