Mrs. Lange's Kindergarten Class

About Me

My name is Kim Lange and I am thrilled to be teaching your Kindergartener this year! I am excited to get to know all of you and spend every day with your child.

My husband, Josh, and I have four boys ages 5-11. We live South of Avon and enjoy being a part of the Avon community. Together we like to spend time at the cabin, go to sporting events, and explore in our woods. If I get any spare time, I love to go running, do yoga, go shopping or visit with friends.

It’s going to be a fun year full of learning and new adventures. Please let me know if you ever have any questions, concerns, or if you would like to help in the classroom. I’d love to hear from you. I will be doing most of my communicating with you through the Remind App and/or email. So, if you prefer a different method of communication, please let me know. Otherwise, look for texts from the Remind App, emails and monthly Kindergarten Newsletters that will be sent home in your child’s folder. Also, please know that some days it will be hard to check emails during the day.

​So, if it is something urgent, it would be better to call Brenda in the office so that she can get the message to me promptly, if need be.

I am excited to be your child’s teacher, this is going to be a great year!