About Mr. Levy


-I am a special education teacher at Haven MS in Evanston, IL.

-This is my ninth year teaching at Haven, my 16th year in the District 65, my 22nd year teaching and my 26th year in education/coaching.

-I have had a wide variety of life experiences that aide in my ability to work with your child, these are some of those experiences:

  • I was a reluctant reader as a child

  • I earned a B.A with two majors: Economics and History

  • I earned a M. Ed in Teaching and Learning along with Certifications in Learning Disabilities and Type 75 Administration

  • Working in a corn field in Iowa

  • Pulling wire while working as an electricians assistant

  • Carrying 100 kilo bushels of bananas on a Kibbutz in Israel

  • An athlete that represented the USA at the 1989 Maccabia Games in Israel

  • Ask and I will share more.