Info / Forms

A note from the OSAA regarding integrity in golf:

OSAA statement on Scoring and Results  The accuracy of scores is the entire fields responsibility.  From coaches to players to spectators, we all play a role in ensuring scoring  is kept correctly. Cheating will not be tolerated. Students need to pay attention to their playing partners during the round and hold  each other accountable, no matter how uncomfortable a situation may be. Coaches also need to have the ability to speak to one another about a concern and to bring that to the attention of the student‐athlete.  

Here are some tips to help:  

1) Have each participant announce their score to the entire group so all can hear at the end of each hole.  Each participant is responsible to announce their score. Each participant is responsible to be in sight and sound of that announcement  (while being socially distanced)  Do not proceed to the next tee box and leave any player/players to putt out. Participate and score as a group. Scoring means observing not only the player you mark, but others in your group.  

2) Practice keeping a correct score and how to confront a playing partner if you feel like a score in inaccurate.    

3) Practice keeping a clean and clear scorecard, so the scoring area can read the scores.