Comet Academy Magnet Program (CAMP)
Who are we?
A Project-based Learning program, where sustained, active, inquiry-based learning is taught in Kindergarten through Eighth Grade multi-age classrooms.
The program is on the campus of Hanby Middle School. CAMP shares space with the middle school, and teachers are part of the Hanby staff.
In CAMP, we view each classroom as an individual community. While our classrooms may look different, our why stays the same.
In our democratic classrooms, emphasis is placed on personalization, learning styles, and strengths, weaknesses, and passions.
What do we do?
Through multi-age classes we can meet students at students’ developmental levels.
Holistic Approach - Freedom and Flexibility to teach to the whole child, through 3 R’s and sciences, arts, field trips, etc.
Arts, Sciences, Outdoor Learning, and Field trips are valued as sources of authentic learning and inspiration, and are valued as much as Language Arts and Math.
Teachers will use best practices in teaching literacy and math, and will provide rigorous instruction to children at their individual levels.
Restorative Justice practices, putting repairing harm done to relationships and people over and above the need for assigning blame and dispensing punishment.
No rewards/punishments for behavior
Building Community
Free Play is part of Daily Curriculum (not linked to behavior and not including recess)
K-2 - Average of 50 min per day
3-5 - Average of 30 min per day
6-8 - Average of 30 min per day
21st Century Skills
Through Project-Based Learning we are focusing on developing 21st Century Skills. These skills are;
Critical Thinking
Information literacy
Media literacy
Technology literacy
Social Skills
With an emphasis on development of these skills, we navigate through grade-level content in order meet the state standards.