Class Syllabus

Welcome to the 2021 - 2022 school year! By the end of the school year, I hope all of my students will gain a better understanding of U.S. History and a deeper appreciation for the many people and events that have helped to shape our great country. By studying history, you will be able to connect the past to events today and thus be better prepared for the future.

Course Objectives:

  • To understand the events, trends, individuals, and movements which shaped the history of Illinois, the United States, and other nations.

  • To analyze political, economical, and social systems, with an emphasis on the United States.

  • To analyze and interpret primary sources to construct conclusions through evidence and reasoning


In 7th grade we will be studying modern day U.S. History (approximately 1865 to the present). Units of study this year including

* The Industrial Age * World War I

* The Great Depression * World War II

* The Holocaust * The Cold War

* The Civil Rights Movement * The Vietnam Conflict

* Illinois Government * Current Events

I believe students learn best when they take an active role in the process. Lessons in my classroom are designed to engage student interest and to initiate critical thinking and discussion. A variety of instructional methods will be utilized this year. Students will have the opportunity to work both in cooperative groups as well as independently to demonstrate their skills and knowledge. Analyzing primary sources of information (documents, photographs, political cartoons …) will be emphasized as well as reading, writing, and research skills. Students will also be taught several notetaking methods. Discussions, direct instruction, and videos will provide opportunities to practice their notetaking. Students are encouraged to participate in class to demonstrate their understanding of the material.


Homework is an important part of the learning process. It gives students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned in a variety of ways. I do not believe in busy work. I strive to make every assignment meaningful to what we are studying in class. Homework will consist of reading/notetaking, a worksheet, writing assignment, or group project.

Homework will be announced in class, written on the board, and listed on my classroom web page. All necessary materials needed for completing assignments will be posted on Schoology. If a student does not complete an assignment, their grade will be a “0” in the gradebook until it is returned. When absent from school, students are responsible to ask for homework they missed.

How Are Grades Determined?

Grades are determined by the total number of points a student earns on summative/formative assessments, homework, and daily classwork. Each of these categories are weighted so a student’s final grade is reflective of the skills they’ve mastered and the content knowledge they’ve acquired. In addition to earning a grade, students will be assessed on four standards specifically related to the study of social studies.

Growth vs. Grades:

Although grades may seem important, my main focus is on developing a growth mindset with students. When students believe in themselves they take risks, learn from their mistakes, and become motivated learners. This will ultimately lead to students becoming more confident in their abilities.

Class Expectations:

In Class:

*Bring all needed supplies to class.

* Wear mask and keep a safe social distance from others.

* Complete assignments to the best of ability and on time.

* Show kindness to me, classmates, and substitute teachers.

* Take responsibility for learning.

* Participate, Participate, Participate!


* Keep video camera on throughout the lesson.

* Sit up and stay in one place while on the call.

* Keep iPad on mute when entering the call.

* Only use chat when given permission to use it.

* Participate from a quiet location.

* If rules are not followed, student will be removed from the call.


I am truly looking forward to teaching your children this year. In order to support your child's self-advocacy skills, if you should have any questions or concerns, please speak to you child about the issue first and encourage them to contact me directly to resolve the issue. You are more than welcome to give me a call or send me an email. Thank you for all your support this year!


Mr. Mario Gurgone