By Definition:

Narratives that give imagined accounts of events and experiences that could happen in real life.

Finding Junie Kim

by Ellen Oh

After learning about racism from her grandfather who grew up during the Korean War, Junie advocates for changes in her environment.

This book is written by the same author as Amal Unbound!

Omar Rising

by Aisha Saeed

Omar is excited to attend a new school that will provide opportunities and help him pull his family out of poverty. Soon he realizes that scholarship kids are treated differently than kids who can afford tuition and so Omar learns to speak against inequality.

Ellen Outside the Lines

by A.J. Sass

Ellen and Laurel have always been best friends, and Laurel has always made Ellen feel that being autistic was no big deal. Now, though, Laurel is spending more time with new cheerleading friends which is stressful for Ellen. On a school trip to Spain, Ellen also makes some new friends that team up for a scavenger hunt and help each other learn about accepting differences and Ellen learns about her own identity along the way.

Yusuf Azeem Is Not A Hero

by Saadia Faruqi

Yusuf is excited about starting middle school but he becomes the target of a bully who makes a accusation that changes Yusuf's life. He also learns about the events of September 11, 2001.

Emotional, connected romance and figurative language.

Amelia Unabridged (YA)

by Ashley Schumacher

Amelia faces tragedy when her best friends is killed in an accident. When she receives a mysterious package, Amelia is sure it's linked to her friend. She traces the package...a rare edition of her favorite a quirky bookstore. There she meets someone who deeply understands her grief and is working through his own.