Musical Crew Information and Applications

Creative Crew
Info and Application 

Click Here

All students interested in joining the Creative Crew should review this information with family members and complete the included application. All applications are due, signed, to Mrs. Holmer by Friday, November 10. 

Students can participate in both creative and running crew. 

Point person: Mrs. Blackburn

Running Crew
Info and Application 

Click Here

All students interested in joining the Running Crew should review this information with family members and complete the included application. All applications are due, signed, to Mrs. Holmer by Friday, November 10. 

Students can participate in both creative and running crew. 

Point person: Mrs. Blackburn

Tech Crew
Info and Application 

Click Here

All students interested in joining the Tech Crew should review this information with family members and complete the included application. All applications are due, signed, to Mrs. Holmer by Friday, November 10. 

NOTE: Tech crew is our smallest crew of up to 6 members, and attendance at all tech rehearsals and performances is a prerequisite. Please check your family calendar prior to applying for this crew. 

Point person: Mr. Eric

Video Crew
Info and Application 

Click Here

All students interested in joining the Video Crew should review this information with family members and complete the included application. All applications are due, signed, to Mrs. Holmer by Friday, November 10. 

Point person: Ms. King-Mulvihill