Requirements & Points
Curricular Coursework
Students are required to earn 30 curricular points to graduate with a Transcript Distinction from the Fine Arts Academy.
To maintain students progress through the Fine Arts Academy, we recommend students earn the following number of curricular points each year.
Freshman Year - 2 points
Sophomore Year - 4 points
Junior Year - 10 points
Senior Year - 14 points
Courses provide opportunities for students to focus on skill development, and gain an understanding of the theory and history behind their craft.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Students in the Band, Choir, or Theatre Concentrations are required to earn 30 extra-curricular points and students in the Orchestra or Visual Arts Concentrations are required to earn 18 extra-curricular points to graduate with a Transcript Distinction.
To maintain student progress through the Fine Arts Academy, we recommend students earn the following number of extra-curricular points each year.
Freshman Year - 2 points, Band, Choir, or Theatre Scholars / 2 points, Orchestra or Visual Arts Scholars
Sophomore Year - 6 points, Band, Choir, or Theatre Scholars / 3 points, Orchestra or Visual Arts Scholars
Junior Year - 9 points, Band, Choir, or Theatre Scholars / 5 points, Orchestra or Visual Arts Scholars
Senior Year - 12 points, Band, Choir, or Theatre Scholars / 8 points, Orchestra or Visual Arts Scholars
Students are asked to put their knowledge into practice through extra-curricular performance opportunities.
Gallery and Performance Attendance
Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, students must attend 1 HHS Gallery Exhibit or Performance each semester.
Attendance must be documented and approved in Innerview
Capstone Project
During their senior year, Fine Arts Academy scholars MUST enroll in an Open Studio period where they spend self-directed time preparing their Capstone Project.
Music Scholars will prepare a 15-minute recital including solo & ensemble works. All pieces should either be performed by, composed by, or arranged by the academy student. Students are responsible for working with their teacher to arrange for an accompanist if needed.
Theatre Scholars will work as a collaborative team to create student-led productions at the end of each semester. Students will be responsible for all aspects of the performance and should work with Ms. DeFrancesco and Mr. Bowden or Mr. Proctor for support when needed.
Visual Art Scholars - Students enrolled in AP Art Studio are expected to prepare 24 pieces to curate a personal show and submit to the AP College Board, Students enrolled in Advanced Art are expected to prepare SIX capstone pieces in addition to their projects from Advanced Art. All Visual Arts students will prepare a 15-minute presentation of their digital portfolio. This can be presented live at the Capstone Festival or prerecorded. Students should speak to a select number of pieces, sharing processes, purpose, and overall pride in their completed work.