College Rep visits

Take a look at our Google Calendar below to see which College and Military Reps are coming to visit BNHS this year.  If you'd like to sign up for a visit, please see Mrs. Fry in the Student Services Office. 

Concordia University- Chicago

St. Anthony College of Nursing

St. Anthony College of Nursing is an upper-division college, which means students will attend another institution first to complete prerequisite courses, and then transfer to SACN to complete their nursing classes, labs, and clinicals to earn their Bachelor of Science in Nursing and RN License! 

The High School Early Entry program allows students to be Directly Accepted to SACN as a High School Senior as well as the opportunity to earn a Bonus Scholarship! 

Students may apply for the High School Early Entry program after their seventh semester of high school is complete up until their first semester of college is complete. 

The requirements to apply are to have:

western illinois university