Diamond Lake School
February 14, 2025 Weekly Update
Upcoming Dates
February 17- No School- Presidents Day
February 18- PTO Meeting 6 pm Innovation Center
February 18- BOE Meeting 7:00 pm @ Sparkle Center
February 20- 2nd Grade Music Concert 6:00-7:00 pm
February 25- 1, 2, 3, Andres Bilingual Interactive Music Show- @ DLS brought to you by FSCS grant.
March 3- Late Start @ 9:10 am
March 3- Pre-k Screening 8:00-11:00 am
March 6- Spring Picture Day
March 7- Field Trip to the Marriott Lincolnshire grades K-2
March 18- PTO Meeting 6 pm Innovation Center
March 18- BOE Meeting 7:00 pm @ Sparkle Center
March 20- Early Dismissal Parent Teacher Conferences
March 21- No School Teacher Institute Day
March 24-28- No School Spring Break
March 31- Return to School
April 7- Late Start @ 9:10 am
April 8- BOE Meeting 7:00 pm @ Sparkle Center
April 10- Kindergarten Orientation Night 6-7 pm
April 15- 1st Grade Music Concert 6-7 pm
April 18- No School Good Friday
April 21- No School Easter Monday
April 22-PTO Meeting 6 pm Innovation Center
April 22- BOE Meeting 7:00 pm @ Sparkle Center
A Letter from the Principal
Dear Families,
Thank you so much for participating in our E-Learning Day on Wednesday! It was great to see such high student engagement, and we loved connecting with students on Google Meets. We also appreciate everyone’s efforts in getting devices back to DLS in a timely manner.
Our Valentine’s Day classroom celebrations were a big success, and it was wonderful to see the students enjoying the activities. Thank you for your support in making these celebrations special for our children.
Looking ahead, please note that Monday, February 17th is a Non-Attendance Day due to President's Day. We hope you enjoy the long weekend!
In the week ahead, we have a Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, February 18th. Also, don't miss our Second Grade Concert on Thursday, February 20th at 6:00 PM. All of our second graders have been working hard to prepare, and they are excited to share their performance with you!
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you at these upcoming events!
Mrs. Sunny Morley
Principal, Diamond Lake School
This Week's Highlights
E-Learning was a success! Thank you for supporting your students during E-Learning. We could not do it without you!
Our friendship celebrations on Valentine's Day were exciting and I am sure you have heard all about them.
We celebrated D76 Loves to Read with a Drop Everything and Read today.
Need to Know
Spring Picture Day- March 6, 2025. Please use this information to access our picture day through Lifetouch.
School Name: Diamond Lake Elementary School
Picture Day Date(s): March 06, 2025
Picture Day ID: EVTBW4T64
Grades Photographed: PK - 5
Dress for the Weather: The cold weather has arrived! Please be sure to send your child to school dressed for the outdoors. If you are in need of any cold weather supplies please reach out to Samira Calderon at scalderon@dist76.org. We will go outside on all days as long as the "feels like" temperature is 15 or more.
Emergency School Closures: Our primary concern is always the safety of our students and staff. There are several scenarios in which we might need to close one or more of our school buildings or start the day late. These include severe weather conditions, power outages, issues with heating, or water problems. Below is some more additional information about what will happen when there is an emergency school closure.
Notification Process:
In the event of severe weather or an unforeseen emergency, we will send an automated phone message and email alert to all families and employees informing them of the situation. In order to receive these alerts, your phone numbers and email addresses must be up to date in our system. Contact your child’s school to make updates/changes. We will also post a message on the D76 Homepage and all social media pages. If schools are closed, all before and after school activities will be canceled. The before and after school program, Innovative Learning, will also be closed.E-Learning Day:
In the event that we have an emergency closing, we will also announce if we will be having an E-Learning Day in our communications. We have updated the E-Learning procedures click here to review our updated procedures.Technology Protocol for E-Learning Days
In the event we have an E-Learning Day, students will follow our Emergency/Inclement Weather Technology Student Protocol.
D76 Engagement & Growth
Welcome to the Quarterfinals!
This week Princess Polly won her group and advanced to the quarterfinals! We now need to win the quarterfinals to advance to the semifinals. For the past few weeks, our votes accumulated, but now we are starting over at ground zero. For the quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals, votes are erased each time.
We MUST win the quarterfinals to advance to the semifinals. Quarterfinal voting starts on Monday, February 17th-Thursday, February 27th. This is an extended voting window. Through your help and support, our girl will continue to move ahead. Please cast your vote every 24 hours starting on Monday, February 17th and let’s make Princess Polly a quarterfinalist. Click HERE to vote! 💎♥️👑🐾
Diamond Dish
Check out our latest episode of the Diamond Dish- celebrating kindness and love through World Read Aloud Day and D76 Loves to Read! Click HERE.
PTO Updates
February 18 we will be having our PTO meeting at 6pm in the Library at Diamond Lake. Everyone is welcome!